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Old 05-06-2024, 09:03 AM
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fijichf fijichf is offline
Join Date: May 2020
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Posts: 259
None of this happens without government subsidies, right? So whether or not you support EV's and renewable energy, you're footing the bill. An example of a subsidy (that's paying part of my salary so not complaining, just stating the facts) involving the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, which I bet many here aren't aware of.

We are involved with the incorporation of PV panel (solar) systems on two buildings, in two different geographic locations, where one site (Cook County, IL) is eligible for a 30% rebate and one site (Ventura County, CA) stretched the rebate to 40%, because the site zip code indicates that it is in an energy community as defined by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). When you read the definition of an energy community, it will make you pause.

Both systems are designed around 250kW output, with the CA location being about 35% more efficient of course, because of its peak sun hours. The rebate for the Cook County site is $225,000 on a system cost of $750,000 and the Ventura County site rebate is a whopping $300,000.

We could receive another 10% bonus if 50% or more of the materials were manufactured in the US, but over 75% of the world's commercial bifacial PV panels, currently come from China, an environmentally sensitive country for sure. So the rebates offered by the IRA; a decent percentage supports the manufacturing of PV panels in China.¤-48c/
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