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Old 04-21-2024, 03:46 PM
Joel Joel is offline
Too Few Miles
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Florida
Posts: 720
Crud. Too late to the conversation.

I'm a huge fan of the GoRuck GR2 40L.

I have darn near one million airmiles on mine. It still looks brand new after being subjected to everything from Chicken Busses in rural China to literally being tied to a Llama in Peru.

Absolutely the best single piece of travel equipment I've ever purchased. Ever.

For business it safely holds all the needed electronics. I emphasize safely! Never anything broken.

For business it has plenty of room for materials. I moderate focus groups, so need a ton of stimulus.

For business it easily and wrinkle free handles multiple suits, shirts and ties. Just get a garment cover and fold those suits, shirts and pants in thirds.

For business it is dressy enough (in black) for Board of Directors meetings.

It's my Swiss army knife of travel.

And for leisure travel it's the only bag I travel the world with. 3 or 4 weeks is a breeze. Even with a full size camera and lenses.

For cycling, just strap the helmet to the front and unstrap when you toss it all in any overhead bin (and I say "any" 'cause it's never not fit).

Cheap? Nope.

Worth every darn penny?

You bet!

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