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Old 01-21-2022, 07:29 AM
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texbike texbike is offline
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As so many have expressed, this one was easy to see. A combination of increased competition (you can buy a competitive product at Lowes for a fraction of the cost of an actual Peleton as an example) and decreasing overall demand for a variety of reasons (boredom with them for a majority of owners?).

In the next year or so, I think we're going to start seeing a lot of similar, lightly-used sporting/fitness goods hitting the market including bikes, inflatable paddle-boards (VERY popular here in Austin), skates, scooters, etc. as their owners move onto the next thing and tire of them taking up space. I think it's going to create an oversupply/glut of fitness goods in the market that the various, related industries will need to marketeer themselves out of. What will be the next niche bike concept to be overmarketed? Ice ebikes? Water bikes? I personally wouldn't want to be long on any fitness-oriented companies for the next year or two.

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